

爷爷与祖母在好久以前就从广东顺德漂洋过海来到马来西亚。那时的他们还年轻,刚新婚。祖国饥荒,民不潦生。为了子子孙孙的幸福与安稳的生活,当时他们着地于槟城,在那里落地生根,展开了人生的另一段故事。经过多年的尝试与挫败,爷爷与祖母决定转移目标,盼望找到一个能长久居住的地方,一个可以真正安定下来的地方。20世纪30年代初,几经波折,他们最终来到了吉隆坡,Sg. Besi 一带的 Kampung Satu,将希望的种子埋入这里的土壤,定居下来了。当时的 Sg. Besi 是锡矿重地,人口集中,自然谋生的机会也多。





88SP MART 贩卖部,来搏感情。

Fortress Avenue Sdn Bhd从1978年以生产肠粉起家至今。一路坚持以自家研发的秘方酿制肠粉,历史悠久的配方,信誉良好的态度,当时获得许多肠粉小贩的青睐,生意源源不绝。 但随着时代的变迁,马来西亚的饮食文化渐渐走向多元化,加上不同国家地域的文化涌入我国,导致肠粉的生意大不如前,甚至到了坠入谷底的严重情况。相续在1997年与2001年,曾德祥先生(长子)与曾德龙先生(次子)承续父亲一手艰辛打造的事业,拯救危在旦夕的公司,并将肠粉这中华传统美食发扬光大。

88SP MART 贩卖部,五脏齐全。

曾德祥先生清楚地知道,想要搞好饮食行业,首要条件必须提升卫生环境!让食品达到优良的生产品质,大众可以吃得开心与安心。卫生品质的基础奠定后,接下来要面对的挑战也就更艰辛了。该如何将这传统美食现代化?而又不失其精髓呢?历经时间的考验,从失败中学习,曾先生并没有放弃对事业的热衷与期望,积极寻找其它管道,继续与代理商配合,推广并销售自家肠粉,以得到广泛的知名度。 为成就父亲创业理念,并达至全面转型,公司旗下也开办便利商店,为邻里的小贩及居民提供便捷的日常采购服务。除了销售自家的肠粉,大量批发小贩所需的调味配料与食物原料外,还提供价钱实惠选择性高的冷冻食品及火锅料。一站式的便利商店,从一般家庭日常生活的需要到小贩添补货源等,提供多元多选择性的服务。

88SP MART 贩卖部,开在你家。

在吉隆坡这个大都市里,人口密集,虽然交通方便,但上下班交通阻塞的情况让人却步。因此,社区邻里发展起自己的饮食聚点,大排档等美食中心,让邻里的居民能省去塞车费时费神的烦恼,在居住点的附近就能解决三餐。Fortress Avenue Sdn Bhd 旗下便利商店 88SP Mart 小贩邻里贩卖部因此而生。不单单迎合一般零售消费者的需要,更首创提供多元冷冻食品,让做生意的小贩们也能在此提货,减低经营成本!麻雀虽小,五脏齐全。 88SPMart小贩邻里贩卖部为社区提供超过3000种联合冷冻食品与杂货,一站式的便利服务,使他们成为您可信赖的生活与生意伙伴。 Fortress Avenue Sdn Bhd 相信人与人之间的爱,关怀与信任是成功的必要因素。所谓饮水思源,除了生意的经营,热心贡献社会,关怀弱势的工作也不能少。曾兄弟在看见邻里小贩的需要的同时,也看见社会的需要,公司定期举办活动,与社区联手,将爱与温暖送至有需要的人,老人院,孤儿院,单亲家庭及残缺人士等等。为需要协助的人士尽心尽力,给予他们最大的爱心及最实际的行动。

88SP MART, the story we been through

Fortress Avenue Sdn Bhd was founded in 1978 by manufacturing rice noodle rolls or known as chee cheong fun (a typical local Chinese food, made by flour and usually served with prawns and special sauce). With their own family secret recipe, Fortress Avenue managed to manufacture high quality of chee cheong fun and become a popular brand among local hawkers. Thus, it earned itself a good reputation in manufacturing chee cheong fun in Malaysia. However, Malaysia’s food culture has become much more diverse as time goes by and different food cultures from other countries also came into Malaysia rapidly in the past few years. This affected much of the original business. In 1997 and 2001 respectively, Mr. Chaang Tuck Cheong (the eldest son) and Mr. Chaang Tuck Loong (the second son) decided to inherit the business in order to save the dying company as they did not want their father’s effort gone to waste.

88SP MART, the change for better

Tuck Cheong knew that the main key feature to be successful in the food industry is to improve the workplaces’ hygienic conditions in order to produce high quality product and gain the public’s trust. The challenge became bigger when he tried to modernize the traditional food without losing its essence. Learning from failures and keep searching for new alternatives, Tuck Cheong never gave up on his career and continues his effort by cooperating with agents to promote and sell his own rice noodle rolls to gain wider popularity.

To achieve their father’s entrepreneurial philosophy and to restructure the company, Fortress Avenue Sdn Bhd also opened its convenience stores to provide procurement or bill payment services to the neighbourhood hawkers and residents. Apart from selling their own products and wholesale seasoning ingredients and raw materials needed by hawkers, these one-stop convenience stores also provide various types of cold storage and steamboat or hotpot materials at affordable prices.

88SP MART, the 1st community wholesale market

Although transportation in Kuala Lumpur is convenient, but the heavy traffic jams are still a big issue for the people. Hence, the neighbourhood community set up their own food courts and hawker centres nearby to let the residents to easily get their meals without going so far. That is also one of the reasons why Fortress Avenue Sdn Bhd sets up 88SP Mart, a neighbourhood community wholesale market to cater the grocery needs of general consumers, and also provide raw materials to the hawkers at lower prices to help them reduce operating costs. Although the store seems small, but 88SP Mart community wholesale market is able to provide over 3000 range of different cold storage and groceries for the residential area. Their one-stop service can solely be your reliable life and business partner.

Fortress Avenue Sdn Bhd believes that love, care and trust are essential to succeed in life. Therefore, the Chaang brothers are grateful for what they have in life. But they also believe that giving back to the society is what they need to do. They always gather and work together with the community to organize activities to spread love and care to old folks, orphans, single-parent families, disabled and others who are in need of help. Their goal, to spread the spirit of dedication to help those who are in need is the most meaningful and viable action they can do. And to foresee this spirit goes on for the generations to come.



Being the best one-stop convenience store that provides reasonable prices to hawker stall owners.
贴心了解客户需求,严格执行采购,持续提升 产品系列与服务並经常保持求变心态以滿足多变的市场需求。
To understand customers needs, strict operational procedures to meet these needs, and always adapting to the changes and trends of the market to suit ever changing market demands. 
让小販经营者在最短的时间內和最快的速度上 達到收入稳定和提升生活素质。
To let hawkers sustain a stable income and enhance their own quality of life.